IWINAC2005: Pre-organized Session details.

Title: "Genetic Algorithms for Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction"

Organized by:

Prof. Ramiro Varela Arias <ramiro@aic.uniovi.es>
Dept. Informática - Centro de Inteligencia Artificial - Universidad de Oviedo (Spain)
Prof. Camino Rodríguez Vela <camino@aic.uniovi.es>
D. Informática - Centro de Inteligencia Artificial - Universidad de Oviedo (Spain)

IWINAC Topics: 2.2.2


Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are a search paradigm founded on natural evolution with a great success in solving interesting real optimization and constraint satisfaction problems (CSP). Even thought simple GAs often produce moderate results, it is well-known that their performance really improves when they are combined with other heuristic or metaheuristic techniques such as local search, branch and bound, simulated annealing, etc. It is the aim of this session to bring together papers that describe progress towards solving CSP and optimization problems by means of GAs. In particular contributions describing new approaches to challenging problems and successful hybridization techniques are welcome.

If you are interested in submitting a paper in this session, please ask the organizer about your intentions. After the organizer agree to include your paper in his/her session, you could select the session in the submission form.

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