International Work-conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation

From: José Mira <jmira@dia.uned.es>

Dear participant in one or more of the previous IWANNs,
after the last edition of IWANN, in Menorca, (June,2003) the General Chairman and the Steering Committee decided to organize two different, more specialized, and independent events.

The acronym IWANN, now interpreted as "International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Nets", and with reference neither to natural neurons nor to the interplay between natural and artificial, stands under the care and control of prof. A. Prieto with a scope and orientation more conventional in the field of Artificial Neural Nets. Consequently, from now on I will not be concerned anymore with the scope, organization and management of the IWANN future events.

We, the General Chairman of the last four IWANNs and the organization staff (Profs. J. R. Álvarez and F. de la Paz), as well as a relevant part of the Scientific Committee, in particular those Scientists and Engineers more interested in the interplay between biosciences and computer sciences, have decided to organize a new event, also biennial, under the name of IWINAC, acronym of:

"International Work-conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation"

This new work-conference inherits the biological orientation and the focus on the interplay between the sciences of natural and computation that I wrote for the previous IWANNs. Additionally, we have expanded the scope of IWINAC to look for the interplay in each one of the three levels of description of a calculus (Knowledge, Symbols and Physical machines).

We thank you for your confidence with us and for your contribution to the success of the previous IWANNs. At the same time, if your research interest fits well with the scope and items of the new IWINAC, we will be pleased to hear from you again.

A preliminary version of our call for papers will be available soon in our web site, now moving from IWANN to IWINAC.

Friendly yours,

José Mira

Dpto. Inteligencia Artificial            Tel: (+34) 91-398-7155
ETSI Informática - UNED                  Fax: (+34) 91-398-8895
Juan del Rosal, 16                       email: jmira@dia.uned.es
E-28040 Madrid (Spain) 

Information about previous IWANN events

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